Course of Study Samples for Vermont Homeschoolers
The following samples have been used by Vermont homeschoolers in the past and have met with approval from the Vermont Department of Education. Feel free to copy and use at will. Change or add your own activities, unit studies, book titles, etc.
Course of Study
(7-8 year old)
1. Basic Communication Skills: critical thinking skills, listening skills, comprehension, recreational reading, spelling, oral reading, language arts, letter writing skills, story writing skills, use of dictionary, library skills, heavy emphasis on phonics skills, vocabulary, penmanship, grammar, addition, subtraction, use of a calendar, fractions, symmetry, reading and writing numbers through 5,000, count by 2's, 5's and 10's, percent, reasoning skills, measurements, sequencing, patterns, money, estimating, comparisons, sorting, decimals, place value, weights, shapes and logic.
2. Citizenship, History and Government: strong emphasis on the U.S. Constitution, critical thinking skills, Vermont history, family history in relation to U.S. History, the American presidency, American & local government, current events, personal responsibility, law, geography, American Revolutionary War, map skills, current events and regional travel.
3. Physical Education and Comprehensive Health Education: swimming, hiking, bicycling, sledding, skating, proper care and use of equipment, use of protective gear, human biology including digestive, nervous, skeletal and circulatory systems, food pyramid, the 5 senses, critical thinking skills, cooking and food preparation, abuse and effects of alcohol, tobacco and related drugs, such as Ritalin and Prozac, effects of consumer advertisements on the subliminal consciousness, survival skills.
4. English, American, and other Literature: improve critical thinking skills, frequent trips to town, city and regional libraries, continue to read silently and aloud, story telling, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, mythology, legends and folklore, biographies. Will include but not be limited to the following books and magazines: Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little, Oliver Twist, Sarah, Plain and Tall, Little House on the Prairie Series, Frankenstein, Kidnapped, Tom Sawyer, Gulliver's Travels, Highlights, Cobblestone, New Moon, Ranger Rick.
5. The Natural Sciences: human and animal biology, basic human needs (physical and emotional), care and feeding of pets, immediate environment, investigative science, archeology, geographic skills, nature walks, gardening, camping, recycling, basic human needs, types of shelters, climate, food sources, diseases, deserts, insects, weather, astronomy, pollution.
6. The Fine Arts: painting, drawing, clay, crafts, collage making, papier mache, attend galleries, museums, art shows, attend theater and dance performances, creative dramatics, basic musicianship to acquire skills in hearing and differentiating musical instruments, listening to all types of music from country to classic.
Course of Study
(8-9 year old)
1. Basic Communication Skills: continue with spelling skills, critical thinking skills, comprehension skills, recreational reading, oral reading, language arts, letter writing skills, story writing, use of dictionary, library skills, strong emphasis on phonics, listening skills, kinds of sentences, plurals and possessives, homonyms, synonyms, vocabulary, penmanship, addition, subtraction, fractions, symmetry, decimals, reading and writing numbers through 100,000, long division, geometric concepts,percent, reasoning skills, and probability and estimation.
2. Citizenship, History and Government: continue strong emphasis on the U.S. Constitution, critical thinking skills, Vermont history, family history in relation to U.S. History, the American presidency, current events, personal responsibility, law, geography, American Revolutionary War, American Civil War, map skills, current events and regional travel.
3. Physical Education and Comprehensive Health Education: continue swimming, hiking, bicycling, sledding, skating, proper care and use of equipment, use of protective gear, human biology including digestive, nervous, skeletal and circulatory systems, food pyramid, the 5 senses, critical thinking skills, cooking and food preparation, abuse and effects of alcohol, tobacco and related drugs, such as Ritalin and Prozac, effects of consumer advertisements on the subliminal consciousness, survival skills, and psychology.
4. English, American, and other Literature: improve critical thinking skills, frequent trips to town, city and regional libraries, continue to read silently and aloud, create own written works, story telling, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, creative writing, biographies. Will include but not be limited to the following books and magazines: Oliver Twist, Sarah, Plain and Tall, The Diary of Anne Frank, Little House on the Prairie Series, Frankenstein, Kidnapped, Tom Sawyer, Gulliver's Travels, Anne of Green Gables, Nancy Drew Mysteries, Hardy Boys, Sherlock Holmes, Highlights, Cobblestone, New Moon, Ranger Rick.
5. The Natural Sciences: continue with human and animal biology, care and feeding of pets, immediate environment, investigative science, archeology, geographic skills, nature walks, gardening, camping, recycling, basic human needs, types of shelters, climate, food sources, diseases, deserts, insects, weather, astronomy, pollution.
6. The Fine Arts: continue painting, drawing, clay, crafts, collage making, papier mache, attend galleries, museums, art shows, attend theater and dance performances, creative dramatics, basic musicianship to acquire skills in hearing and differentiating musical instruments, listening to all types of music from country to classic.
Course of Study
(9-10 year old)
1. Basic Communication Skills: continue spelling skills, critical thinking skills, comprehension, recreational reading, oral reading, language arts, letter writing, story writing, use of dictionary, library skills, strong emphasis on phonics, listening skills, kinds of sentences, plurals and possessives, homonyms, synonyms, vocabulary, penmanship, addition, subtraction, use of a calculator, computer skills, fractions, symmetry, decimals, reading and writing numbers through millions, Roman numerals, metric measurement, long division, geometric concepts, percent, reasoning skills, and probability and estimation.
2. Citizenship, History and Government: strong emphasis on the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, continue critical thinking skills, Vermont history, family history in relation to U.S. History, the American presidency, volunteerism, current events, personal responsibility, law, geography, American Revolutionary War, American Civil War, World War I & II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, map skills, current events and regional travel.
3. Physical Education and Comprehensive Health Education: continue swimming, hiking, bicycling, sledding, skating, proper care and use of equipment, use of protective gear, human biology including digestive, nervous, skeletal and circulatory systems, food pyramid, the 5 senses, critical thinking skills, cooking and food preparation, abuse and effects of alcohol, tobacco and related drugs, such as Ritalin and Prozac, effects of consumer advertisements on the subliminal consciousness, survival skills, moral & values, AIDS and psychology.
4. English, American, and other Literature: continue to improve critical thinking skills, frequent trips to town, city and regional libraries, continue to read silently and aloud, create own written works, story telling, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, creative writing, journal, biographies. Will include but not be limited to the following books and magazines: Swiss Family Robinson, Treasure Island, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, The Diary of Anne Frank, Frankenstein, Kidnapped, Tom Sawyer, Gulliver's Travels, Anne of Green Gables, Mysteries, Sherlock Holmes, Highlights, Cobblestone, New Moon, Ranger Rick.
5. The Natural Sciences: human and animal biology, care and feeding of pets, immediate environment, investigative science, archeology, geographic skills, nature walks, gardening, camping, recycling, basic human needs, types of shelters, climate, food sources, diseases, deserts, insects, weather, astronomy, pollution.
6. The Fine Arts: continue painting, drawing, clay, crafts, collage making, papier mache, attend galleries, museums, art shows, attend theater and dance performances, creative dramatics, basic musicianship to acquire skills in hearing and differentiating musical instruments, listening to all types of music from country to classic.
Course of Study
(11-12 Year Old)
1. Basic Communication Skills: continue spelling skills, critical thinking skills, comprehension skills, recreational reading, oral reading, language arts, letter writing, story writing, use of dictionary, library skills, phonics, listening skills, kinds of sentences, plurals and possessives, homonyms, synonyms, vocabulary, penmanship, addition, subtraction, use of a calculator, computer skills, fractions, symmetry, decimals, reading and writing numbers through millions, Roman numerals, metric measurement, long division, geometric concepts, percent, reasoning skills, and probability and estimation.
2. Citizenship, History and Government: stronger emphasis on U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence, critical thinking skills, Vermont history, Vermont constitution, family history in relation to U.S. History, the American presidency and the political arena, Congress & Senate, election process, court systems, volunteerism, current events, personal
responsibility, law, geography, World War I & II, American Civil War, map skills, current events and regional travel.
3. Physical Education and Comprehensive Health Education: continue swimming, hiking, bicycling, sledding, skating, proper care and use of equipment, use of protective gear, human biology including digestive, nervous, skeletal and circulatory systems, food pyramid, the 5 senses, critical thinking skills, cooking and food preparation, abuse and effects of alcohol, tobacco and related drugs, such as Ritalin and Prozac, effects of consumer advertisements on the subliminal consciousness, survival skills, AIDS and psychology.
4. English, American, and other Literature: improve critical thinking skills, frequent trips to town, city and regional libraries, continue to read silently and aloud, create own written works, story telling, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, creative writing, journal, biographies. Will include but not be limited to the following books and magazines: Frankenstein, The Call of the Wild, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Indian in the Cupboard, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Watership Down, Kidnapped, Tom Sawyer, Gulliver's Travels, The Hardy Boys, Highligts, Cobblestone, Ranger Rick.
5. The Natural Sciences: human and animal biology, care and feeding of pets, immediate environment, investigative science, archeology, geographic skills, nature walks, gardening, camping, recycling, basic human needs, types of shelters, climate, food sources, diseases, deserts, insects, weather, astronomy, pollution.
6. The Fine Arts: continue painting, drawing, clay, crafts, collage making, papier mache, attend galleries, museums, art shows, attend theater and dance performances, creative dramatics, basic musicianship to acquire skills in hearing and differentiating musical instruments, listening to all types of music from country to classic.
Course of Study
(12-13 Year Old)
1. Basic Communication Skills: continue spelling, critical thinking, comprehension, recreational reading, oral reading, use of dictionary, personal & business letter writing skills, library skills, phonics, listening skills, types of sentences, plurals and possessives, homonyms, synonyms, vocabulary, strong emphasis on penmanship, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, pre-algebra, use of a calculator, computer skills including the internet, banking skills, fractions, weights & measures, symmetry, decimals, reading and writing numbers through millions, Roman numerals, metric measurement, long division, geometric concepts, percent,
reasoning skills, and probability and estimation.
2. Citizenship, History and Government: strong emphasis on U.S. Constitution, critical thinking skills, Vermont history, the Vermont legislature, U.S. and State Constitutions, history of labor unions, institutions (medical, educational & welfare), volunteerism, current events, personal responsibility, Vermont and U.S. law, geography, continue with American Civil War, Korean War, Vietnam War, World War I & II, map skills.
3. Physical Education and Comprehensive Health Education: continue swimming, hiking, bicycling, sledding, skating, proper care and use of equipment, use of protective gear, human biology including digestive, nervous, skeletal and circulatory systems, the 5 senses, critical thinking skills, cooking and food preparation, abuse and effects of alcohol, tobacco
and related drugs, such as Ritalin and Prozac, effects of consumer advertisements on the subliminal consciousness, survival skills, AIDS and psychology.
4. English, American, and other Literature: continue improving critical thinking skills, frequent trips to town, city and regional libraries, continue to read silently and aloud, create own written works, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, creative writing, journal, autobiographies. Will include but not be limited to the following books and magazines: The Swiss Family Robinson; Robin Hood; The Time Machine; Around the World in 80 Days; The Red Badge of Courage; works of Charles Dickens; Kidnapped; The Three Musketeers; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Time; Newsweek, local and national newspapers & publications.
5. The Natural Sciences: continue with human and animal biology, care and feeding of pets, immediate environment, investigative science, archeology, geographic skills, nature walks, gardening, camping, recycling, basic human needs, food sources, diseases, outer space, rain forest insects, weather, river pollution.
6. The Fine Arts: continue painting, drawing, architecture, art in the White House, crafts, collage making, attend galleries, museums, art shows, Renaissance, Impressionists, attend theater and dance performances, creative dramatics, musicianship with possible concentration on learning another instrument, music appreciation.
Course of Study
(14-15 Year Old)
1. Basic Communication Skills: continue spelling skills; critical thinking skills; comprehension skills; strong emphasis on recreational reading; public speaking; voice & diction; personal & business letter writing skills; library & research skills; strong emphasis on grammar; vocabulary; strong emphasis on penmanship; stronger emphasis on computer skills including email address and use of the internet for business and research skills; banking skills; publishing skills; metric measurement; geometric concepts; percent; reasoning skills; and probability and
2. Citizenship, History and Government: critical thinking skills; the Vermont legislature; Vermont & American history; strong emphasis on state and local elections; strong emphasis on U.S. and State Constitutions; history of labor unions; institutions (medical, educational & welfare) and their effects; volunteerism; current events; personal responsibility; Vermont and U.S. Law; geography; American Revolution; American Civil War; Korean War; Vietnam War; World War I & II; state and global map skills.
3. Physical Education and Comprehensive Health Education: swimming, hiking, bicycling, sledding, skating, proper care and use of equipment; use of protective gear; human biology including digestive, nervous, skeletal and circulatory systems; the 5 senses; critical thinking skills; cooking and food preparation; abuse and effects of alcohol, tobacco and related drugs, such as Ritalin and Prozac; effects of being institutionalized (i.e. public schooling, prisons, etc). Effects of consumer advertisements on the subliminal consciousness; homemaking skills (i.e. sewing, cleaning, cooking, gardening, etc.); care and nurturing of children; preparation for
homeschooling own children; survival skills; AIDS and psychology.
4. English, American, and other Literature: continue improving critical thinking skills; frequent trips to town and city libraries; read silently and aloud; strong emphasis on creating own written works, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, creative writing; autobiographies; biographies. Will include but not be limited to the following books, magazines and news publications: complete works of John Holt; Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.; Charles J. Sykes; Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle; Animal Farm & 1984 by George Orwell; Greek Tragedies; all state and local newspapers; "Winning The Cultural War" speech by Charlton Heston (1999); George Washington's inaugural and farewell speeches; Thomas Jefferson's inaugural and farewell speeches; Abraham Lincoln's inaugural speeches; Henry Hyde's speeches from the floor of the house and senate during the 1998/1999 impeachment trial.
5. The Natural Sciences: human and animal biology; self-sufficiency; herbal medicine; homeopathic medicine; care and feeding of pets and livestock; birthing skills; immediate environment; investigative science; archeology; geographic skills; gardening; camping; recycling; basic human needs; food sources; diseases; outer space; plants and animals of the world; weather; natural disasters; river and ocean pollution.
6. The Fine Arts: painting; drawing; sketching; sculpture; architecture; fine arts; commercial art; attend galleries, museums, art shows; all forms and history of art; attend theater and dance performances; dramatics; continue concentration on playing musical instrument; music
appreciation of all kinds including country, classical, pop, etc.
Course of Study
(15-16 Year Old)
1. Basic Communication Skills: continue spelling skills; critical thinking skills; comprehension skills; strong emphasis on recreational reading; public speaking & speech writing; voice & diction; journal; personal & business letter writing skills; library & research skills; strong emphasis on grammar; vocabulary; strong emphasis on penmanship; computer
skills including email address and use of the internet for business and research skills; banking skills; publishing & editorial skills; concentration on creating and maintaining a home-based business; management skills; statistics; advertising, pricing and distribution; reasoning skills.
2. Citizenship, History and Government: critical thinking skills; the Vermont and U.S. legislatures; strong emphasis on local, state and national elections; strong emphasis on U.S. and State Constitutions; history of labor unions; institutions (medical, educational & welfare) and their effects; volunteerism; current events; personal responsibility; Vermont, U.S. and National Law; geography; American Revolution; American Civil War; Korean War; Vietnam War; World War I & II; state and global map skills; possible future candidacy.
3. Physical Education and Comprehensive Health Education: swimming, hiking, bicycling, proper care and use of equipment; use of protective gear; human biology including digestive, nervous, skeletal and circulatory systems; critical thinking skills; cooking and food preparation; abuse and effects of alcohol, tobacco and related drugs, such as Ritalin; effects of
being institutionalized (i.e. public schooling, prisons, etc). Effects of consumer advertisements on the subliminal consciousness; strong emphasis on homemaking skills (i.e. sewing, cleaning, cooking, gardening, etc.); care and nurturing of children; preparation for homeschooling own children; survival skills; AIDS and psychology.
4. English, American, and other Literature: improving critical thinking skills; frequent trips to town and city libraries; read silently; strong emphasis on creating own written works, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, creative writing; autobiographies; biographies. Will include but not be limited to the following books, magazines and news publications: any and all books on homeschooling; complete works of John Holt; Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.; Charles J. Sykes; Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle; Animal Farm & 1984 by George Orwell; Greek Tragedies; Newsweek; all local, state and national newspapers; "Winning The Cultural War" speech by Charlton Heston (1999); George Washington's inaugural and farewell speeches; Thomas Jefferson's inaugural and farewell speeches; Abraham Lincoln's inaugural speeches; Henry Hyde's speeches from the floor of the house and senate during the 1998/1999 impeachment trial.
5. The Natural Sciences: human and animal biology; herbal, homeopathic and chiropractic medicines; care and feeding of pets and livestock; birthing skills; immediate environment; investigative science; archeology; geographic skills; gardening; camping; recycling; basic human needs; food sources; diseases; outer space; plants and animals of the world; weather; natural disasters; river and ocean pollution.
6. The Fine Arts: painting; drawing; sketching; sculpture; fine arts; commercial art; attend galleries, museums, art shows; all forms and history of art; attend and participate in theatre and dance performances; continue concentration on playing musical instrument; music appreciation of all kinds including country, classical, etc.
Cindy Wade, Home Education Advocate
"Helping concerned parents begin their home education journey--right at home."
Sew Quilty Quilt and NEW Fabric Line!
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