Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Can you guess what 21 education related things will disappear by 2020?

Shelley Blake-Plock at The Daily Riff gives us her prediction for the 21 things that will become obsolete in education by the year 2020. Funny thing is, many of us unschoolers have already made many of these obsolete and did so over 20 years ago.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Homeschool Moms Hiring Bullies to Teach Kids Valuable Lessons...SATIRE!

“There are a lot of real assholes walking this cruel planet, and you need to learn how to deal with it,” observed Brandon’s father Gary, “Which is why I think it’s good conditioning to have some creep come over to the house from time to time to give my boy the business and kick the crap out of him a bit."

The author of this satirical article has a great sense of humor. Too funny!

Remember...this is SATIRE and homeschooling moms are not really hiring bullies to beat up their homeschoolers! Wish I could say the same for the public schools.

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Bulletproof backpacks...what is this world coming to?

False sense of security or truly a life saver? Why don't the public schools all just issue a bullet proof vest to each student? If my child needed bullet proof clothing to attend school he or she wouldn't be going, it's as simple as that.

Boy, 13, Busted For Illegal Marker Possession | The Smoking Gun

Boy, 13, Busted For Illegal Marker Possession | The Smoking Gun

Yup, I'm sure all the adults involved with this are real proud of themselves.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dos and Don'ts for a successful homeschool experience #10

The following DOs and DON'Ts for a successful homeschool experience are being presented in a series to allow for digestion and discussion. After homeschooling/unschooling my own children for over 22 years I've discovered what worked and what didn't work for us was universal. Feel free to add your comments and concerns or ask questions.

#10 DO include your children in your life...warts and all. Just remember to make those life lessons age appropriate and use your common sense. Strive to live a better life for the quality of it and to set a good example for your children. Of course you want to leave the gory details out for some things but letting your children experience life with you will expose them to the realities of it. That life may include showing them how you pay the bills, letting them watch the news with you, explaining how politics work, going to social functions like weddings and funerals, and including them in serious family discussions. Children need to learn life isn't all toys, games, electronic gadgets and trips to theme parks. You can raise children who are aware of the world and what it's like without putting the fear of the boogie man in them. Knowing the truth about life will better prepare them to successfully live it.   

#10 DON'T feel you need to join every support group or unschool forum. The biggest problem with support groups is they become organized and that's when they start to stifle spontaneity and creativity. It's better to get together with a few good homeschooling families when the mood or ability to do so strikes. NEVER join a state run program that collects data on you, especially a preschool or daycare! Online forums can be informative providing you have the time to chat or post but don't take time away from family that could otherwise be used to simply enjoy your own self-discovery. Infants, toddlers and very young children only need the company of their parents and siblings for their development. By the time they're 8 to 12 years old they're ready for some socialization outside the family. If you insist on joining or forming a group one good one is all you need. Members will come and go so make sure it is flexible, spontaneous, and laid back enough to keep out the pressure of becoming yet another appointment on your already busy calendar.

Dos and Don'ts for a successful homeschool experience #9
Dos and Don't s for a successful homeschool experience #8
Dos and Don't s for a successful homeschool experience #7
Dos and Don't s for a successful homeschool experience #6
Dos and Don't s for a successful homeschool experience #5
Dos and Don't s for a successful homeschool experience #4
Dos and Don't s for a successful homeschool experience #3
Dos and Don't s for a successful homeschool experience #2
Dos and Don't s for a successful homeschool experience #1 

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dos and Don'ts for a successful homeschool experience #9

The following DOs and DON'Ts for a successful homeschool experience are being presented in a series to allow for digestion and discussion. After homeschooling/unschooling my own children for over 22 years I've discovered what worked and what didn't work for us was universal. Feel free to add your comments and concerns or ask questions.

#9 DO look for ways to finance your homeschooling journey. It cannot be stressed enough that homeschooling need only be as expensive as you want it to be. When we first started homeschooling we thought we needed all the trappings of a classroom in our home in order to teach our children. That was one of our biggest mistakes but one of the easiest to overcome. Our classroom eventually evolved into a playroom loaded with toys, games, puzzles, projects, books, comfy furniture and a myriad of other fun stuff. Once we learned that education was not the same as schooling, our creativity and determination not to mimic the public school soared. With our new found educational freedom and creativity we quickly learned ways to support our homeschooling financially. We learned to seek out freebies, barter, sell our cast-offs at flea markets or online, start businesses, and we became expert recyclers. To learn more about financing your homeschooling read 10 Ways to Pay For Your Homeschooling.

#9 DON'T let others bully you into thinking you can't raise your own child. There is no such thing as an expert! Doctors, lawyers, politicians, teachers, state officials, scientists, media, in-laws and others all seem to think they know what is best for you and your child. Do they? You are the parent and no one knows your child better than you. Remember that. Don't let these meddlesome creatures bully you into doing things their way. Politely thank them for their advice and walk away or politely thank them to mind their own business. Either way, go about your business of raising and educating your child as you see fit. Research and learn what you want to know about homeschooling your child then adapt that information to your needs. Learn from your mistakes so you can keep going and growing. You'll be amazed at how much more enjoyable life is for you and your child when the so-called experts aren't controlling it.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Buckle up America because we're in for a bumpy ride!

"If the people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." Thomas Jefferson

Lecture get out of the car!

Much to their annoyance one of my favorite places to dispense pearls of wisdom to my two unschooled children was in our car while going to and from appointments or activities. They were a captive audience in the front and back seat while riding along with me to the store, piano lessons, the ice rink or wherever else we were traveling to. I always found those jaunts in the car to be the best time to bring up a serious subject because I knew I had their full attention. There was no way for them to scurry off to their rooms like they did at home when mom was about to give a full blown lecture about something.

To this day I'm not sure if everything I talked about was actually absorbed but for the most part our children seem to be responsible adults who are very much aware of what their priorities should be in this life. When I look back on our unschooling days I am amazed at how quickly the years passed. Don't put off those important conversations you plan to have with your children at certain stages in their lives even if it means discussing touchy subjects while riding in the car on the way to do the fun things. Once you arrive at your destination your children, the resilient creatures that they are, will bound from the car unscathed and acting as though they didn't hear a word of what you said. Be assured though they heard every syllable and will contemplate your words later on when they've had time to digest mom's latest rant. 

Lecture get out of the car!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Homeschooling Proving “Good for America”

Homeschooling Proving “Good for America”

"Many homeschooling families are training their children to make a difference by serving this nation with integrity, not for the sake of personal ambition or monetary gain but rather because they have learned how to be responsible citizens. Determined, astute homeschooling families are making their voices heard—from leadership camps to grassroots organizations to Congress."

I realized 20 years ago that homeschoolers were going to be the saving grace of this country. I'm being proved right on a daily basis. Love it!

7 Valuable Homeschooling Tips from Homeschooling Q & A

Homeschooling Questions and Answers provides 7 Valuable Homeschooling Tips in this article. I must say I agree with much of what is written here because homeschooling is much more than reading, writing and arithmetic. The writer gives some good insight not only into homeschooling but also parenting.

"3. Having a good working relationship will help both of you to successfully pursue the educational goals that are set for your child. Poor communication skill, or a poor relationship with your child, apart from being unhealthy in itself, will also make the class environment difficult for both you and your child."

If you choose to homeschool you're in for the greatest adventure of a lifetime. You'll learn alongside your child while maintaining better control over your lives and liberties. Kudos to Homeschooling Q & A!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Alex Jones says it's the bankers or us

Alex Jones is a radio talk show host at Infowars. If you want a real lesson in history or money tune in to his show or watch his many videos. He seems to have finally put his finger on why our economy is taking such a hit under the present administration with his It's The Bankers Or Us article at his website. He's struck a nerve with his listeners, readers, viewers and his detractors.

"Alex Jones explains why it is the bankers or us will be free at the end of this crisis. The total cost of the derivatives is over $1.5 Quadrillion, a sum that will completely consume the world in perpetual debt, a sum that can never be repaid. It is an economic shearing, a shearing of the sheep. The economic crisis has always really been a complete transfer of power to the banking class."

Unschoolers, are you paying attention here? Is this the 'shearing of the sheep?' Is this the 'greatest swindle?' Is this treason??? Makes you wonder. Maybe it's time to go out and buy up some silver while we're waiting to see if it's going to be 'the bankers or us' who end up on the side of freedom and liberty!

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Is Argentina's past a glimpse of America's future?

Am I the only one seeing similarities between what happened in Argentina during the 1980's, 1990's and 2000's to what is happening now here in America? This is a fascinating documentary (be prepared to read subtitles unless you're fluent in Spanish) that should be viewed by every homeschooling family if they want to understand what present day politicians are really planning for our future. Has our own Constitution become obsolete if it is that easily circumvented by greedy tyrants?

Argentina's Economic Collapse Part 2
Argentina's Economic Collapse Part 3
Argentina's Economic Collapse Part 4
Argentina's Economic Collapse Part 5
Argentina's Economic Collapse Part 6
Argentina's Economic Collapse Part 7
Argentina's Economic Collapse Part 8
Argentina's Economic Collapse Part 9
Argentina's Economic Collapse Part 10
Argentina's Economic Collapse Part 11
Argentina's Economic Collapse Part 12

Once you've watched all 12 parts to this documentary be sure to watch the following video as well...

Somehow humans have always found a way to survive and thrive. However, watch the government bureaucrats in this video trying to  hatch a scheme to get their share of the money pie. Problem is there is no 'money' being exchanged.