Sunday, February 2, 2014

Children watch as their lunch is trashed in Utah elemetary school

By now, most of you have heard the story about the Utah elementary school that trashed the lunches of 40 youngsters because the outstanding balance on their lunch cards was overdrawn. Apparently, these children, some as young as 5, had their food in hand while in the lunch line. When they handed their lunch cards to the person in charge of verifying their good standing it was discovered their accounts were overdrawn. Their food was then confiscated and thrown into the trash in front of them. What possesses grown-ups to do such things?

This incident struck a chord with many Americans, especially those with children. If a parent had done this at home, protective child services would be breathing down their necks. What gives a school the right to do such things? Who is to blame for such cruelty?

The saddest part is that this sort of power tripping goes on daily in public schools and it's not limited to the lunch programs. What makes this more heart wrenching is how the school used the power of food and the scare of hunger to make a point to parents who were behind in their payments. This is purely a thuggish tactic and one that should never be tolerated. It is the same as a parent sending a child to bed hungry to 'teach' them a lesson. A lesson in what? Who's in charge?

Children are not slaves to be ordered about and taught such lessons to. They are human beings with feelings, thoughts, needs and dreams, no different than adults. They just happen to be smaller and younger.

Yes, this incident struck a chord for sure and such behavior on the part of 'grown-ups' should NEVER be tolerated. If you want a lesson in what withholding food does to children you need look no further than what is being done to children world wide. There are some among the global elite who have every intention of withholding food from the masses now and in the future. Are we going to sit by and tolerate their actions? Think for a moment how those 40 children must have felt when they were told they couldn't eat that day and their lunches tossed into the trash in front of them. This cold civil war against humanity will not be tolerated any longer!

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Some genius in Utah decided children shouldn't eat

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Is this what's in store for the United States of America?

This is a long video (documentary) on the collapse of Argentina. Much of what happened to Argentina is happening today in the United States of America. You need to be quick to read the subtitles but this video is well worth watching and discussing with your homeschooling teenagers. It is well worth watching and discussing with others as well. Much of it will be familiar to you already.

What will truly break your heart is the result of years of political corruption by Argentina's back stabbing politicians that has led to the poverty of thousands of children. Children who run wild through the dumps foraging for something to eat. Children suffering from severe malnutrition to the point their cries have been silenced. They only look like they are crying but no sound can be heard.

One big difference in our country so far, that is making it difficult for the IMF and world bankers to bring us to our knees, is our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. We are a standing army that scares the dickens out of them. They have to find another way to covertly undermine our constitution. One huge way is to indoctrinate the masses through public schooling.

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