Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Children shouldn't be forced to fight their parent's battle!

Children should never be expected to fight their parent's battle with the public school. It does not build  courage or stamina. It only serves to show the child they are a pawn both sides are willing to sacrifice in the throws of conflict. It is your job to protect your child. If that means making sure your child stays clear of physical and mental abuse, then that is what you must do.

Bring your child home to heal. Leave your abusers in the dust and focus on your child's education and safety. Let your child learn in peace. Be the parent...not the referee! 

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Friday, March 2, 2018

Maybe it's time for SCHOOL FREE zones

Parents, I implore you, get your children out of public school now! I beg you on bended knee to stand up and save your child from the clutches of a deplorable system gone rouge and hell bent on using your child's life to gain the power and money it needs to survive. How much more of the abuse public schools are famous for, do you think your child can tolerate?

It's been proven our FBI, DOJ and many of our Sheriffs are corrupt. They have been for decades. Their mission today is to look away when trouble is brewing inside American institutions, especially public schools. It's been proven many of our political leaders are degenerates. There is a war on for the very souls of our children and our government is complicit. We are being forced to take sides. Do we choose the side of the gun-grabbing, anti-constitutional, banker owned power elite, or do we choose freedom, liberty and defending our constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic?

Bring your children home. Bring them home from public schools the size of small towns and fashioned after the prison system. Bring them home from gun free zones where they are sitting ducks and being used as fodder to destroy our constitutional rights and break our spirit. Take charge of your family and your lives. Go home, hug your children, heal your family and get busy studying our constitution.

If you don't think you can educate your own child, I'm here to tell you homeschooling your child is the easy part and the least of your worries. Stop letting the public school system use the compulsory attendance laws to endanger your child. Once you realize your child is no longer being exposed to nightmarish labeling and legal drugging, bullying by other children who've learned the art from the adults paid to teach them, and dangerously anonymous entities footing the bill to keep us locked into ignorance, you'll see for yourself that public schooling is nothing more than a con game.

Stop exposing your child to a 'one-world one-government' lesson plan that defies all logic and sensibility with its participation trophies and one-size-fits-all bathroom assignments. A con game full of false flags and indebted slavery. A con game where your 14 year old daughter arrives home from school and announces the school nurse took her to a nearby clinic for an abortion!

Bring your children home and get back to reading, writing and arithmetic so your child will be educated well enough to think independently and critically. An educated child better equipped to make valuable life choices instead of the go along to get along mentality of the herd. A child not exposed to legal and illegal drugs, and danger on a daily basis.

Get your children out now. No more excuses for subjecting your innocent and defenseless child to an artificial environment drunk on power, money and control of your thoughts. Get your children out of public school now where your sweet child is being terrorized and used as an excuse to wrangle away your parental and God-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as established by the creators of our United States Constitution.

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