It seems like every decade a pattern of bizarre behavior surfaces in our public schools. I'm not talking about the students here but of the schools themselves and their policies. When we first started homeschooling and I became a home education advocate parents would come to me complaining about the behavior modification and indoctrination in global community their children were being subjected to in public schools. We were finally able to put our finger on it and pinpoint the culprit...OBE...outcome based education.
What is it now? What is it called today? Zero tolerance? Not sure but take a look at this documentary titled 'The War on Kids' directed by Cevin Soling. This is chilling!
Be sure to check out the trailer at youtube along with several other amazing clips here and here.
Fortunately, many parents are finally catching on. They're reworking their priorities and finances in order to rescue their children from the grips of public schooling. For some it's too late but we need to keep up the pressure to get children out of these dangerous hell holes. People who work in these public schools are only prolonging the problem and should be ashamed of themselves for perpetrating such a horrific injustice on these innocent children. What is happening in public schools is nothing short of criminal and unconstitutional.
The gauntlet is laid before your feet. It is a war and I for one am willing to lead with the battle cry....GET THE CHILDREN OUT NOW!
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1 day ago
The documentary clip is a little heavy handed. It is not fair to characterize every public school in America based on the example of a drug-infested, police patrolled, inner-city school. I’ve yet to meet a homeschooled child who doesn’t share to some degree the same apathy towards school work as do their publicly and privately schooled friends. The majority of our public schools are staffed by dedicated teachers who are called to the teaching profession. Having written that, I haven’t seen the entire documentary. I won’t condemn it. I will continue to homeschool my children for as long as possible.
Thanks for the feedback. However, here in pristine Vermont our public schools (yes, all of them) are quickly becoming prisons with lock-downs, armed officers patrolling the halls and children being legally drugged into submission on a daily basis. I've come to believe that no public school in the entire U.S. is immune to this. It's a matter of degree.
Sorry to disagree but I also do not believe teaching is a calling...unless you are the student's parent. I see teaching in public schools as a cop-out to true mentoring and those in that taxpayer supported system continue there for the simple reasons of job security and job comfort. After all, they too have bills to pay.
I think this clip needs to be jolting in order to get the attention of parents. One child suffering or being destroyed in the public school system is one child too many for me to tolerate. I'd be curious to see what would happen in this country if compulsory attendance laws in every state were repealed. Can you imagine the exodus?
Love your blog by the way. Not many dads are writing about their homeschooling experience. I wish more did.
Cindy, I cannot speak to the status of Vermont schools, but in general I believe that there is no amount of money that you can throw at education, and no amount of “programs” that can be designed that will fix the problems in education. The problems in education are caused by parents, but you cannot legislate good parenting. If children had two parents who cared about their education and modeled a support for education in their homes, Vermont schools would not resemble prisons.
I have been an inner city teacher in Chicago, a Catholic school teacher in Kansas City, a public high school teacher in St. Joseph, Missouri; and a homeschooler. I’ve worked with and for administrators in crafting a new teacher evaluation system for the state of Missouri. I am intimately aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the public school system, as well as the reasons why teachers tolerate, year after year, the garbage that they put up with in the hopes that they reach a few students. I have yet to meet a teacher who is in it for pay, benefits, and summers off. I have met some jaded, veteran teachers who wander through the latter half of their careers like automatons, protected by tenure as they do their time on the way to a pension. I’ve met some knuckleheads, too. Read for one example. These teachers need to be removed.
I will fight for the continued freedom for parents to homeschool their children if they choose that option. For many children, this is the best option for their education. If compulsory attendance laws were abolished in this country there would be a mass exodus out of public schools, but that would not correlate to a mass exodus into private or home schooling. There would be many, many children wandering the streets. “One child suffering or being destroyed in the public school system is one child too many for me to tolerate.” I would never argue that some children suffer in the public school system, and saving that child is the responsibility of the parent.
Hi Arby,
I agree that 'good parenting' cannot be legislated, however, it seems that parental rights and responsibilities have been legislated away since compulsory attendance laws first surfaced. Now we have an umpteenth generation of parents who don't know how to parent or aren't permitted to.
Of course, there are also those who don't want to parent but those of us who do are looked upon as irresponsible, dangerous and incompetent by the pubic school supporters. How did education fall into the categories of abuse and neglect when a parent decides to take charge of that responsibility?
Should parents simply take back their right to parent even if others think they're incompetent? Aren't we entitled to make our own mistakes while teaching our children providing we aren't physically abusing or neglecting them? After all, there are separate laws for abuse and neglect that have nothing to do with education. Can't forced public school attendance be categorized as abuse and neglect these days? Maybe it boils down to 'who' decides. Just some thoughts.
For what it's worth, I just spent a whole day in a Vermont kindergarten and everything there was completely positive. It was not as playful or creative as it could have been, and I still think home-schooling is a better choice for us, but unless those other parents want to homeschool (they all have the option), then that school is a reasonable choice. And if those teachers were not being asked to teach to the test and given hundreds of other requirements, I bet the days would be more playful and creative.
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